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Talk Like TED

Book Review
Carmine Gallo, a master storyteller and communication expert, delves into the hearts and minds of TED's most renowned speakers.
| Adam Sahin | Issue 161 (Sep - Oct 2024)

This article has been viewed 820 times

Talk Like TED

In This Article

  • The book is like a backstage pass to the art of persuasion, the science of inspiration, and the power of transformation. 
  • Whether you're an aspiring speaker, a business leader, or someone who seeks to communicate ideas effectively, this book offers invaluable insights and practical advice to help you command the stage and share your message with the world.

In a world where ideas hold the power to transform lives, Talk Like TED by Carmine Gallo becomes the guiding light for those who aspire to captivate, inspire, and change the world through the art of public speaking. Imagine a stage where the most brilliant minds converge, where innovation, inspiration, and insight take center stage. This book takes you behind that stage – the scenes of TED Talks – unveiling the secrets of the world's most influential speakers. Carmine Gallo, a master storyteller and communication expert, delves into the hearts and minds of TED's most renowned speakers. He ...

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